In August 2020, I joined Bangumi, the #1 independent production company in France, as a journalist and segment producer for their program “Quotidien,” the most-watched talk show on French national television (average audience 1.5M-2.5M viewers per day). You will find on this page the different projects I worked on.


September 2022 – January 2023

For the seventh season of Quotidien, I have been promoted to become a panelist in the show, and therefore to produce and host my own segment. Called “Le Dézoom,” it takes a step back on the news and current events and uses archives to better understand the world of today. I work by myself with full autonomy on every step of production to make two segments per week, with sometimes last-minute changes depending on the news or the show’s guest. You can find examples of these segments below.




Playlist / Best of

August 2020 – August 2022 

For two years, I was one of the three producers of “Le Petit Q”, a segment mostly tackling pop culture, entertainment, and American current affairs. While most episodes are comedic, some deal with hard news and serious topics. For this assignment, I worked almost exclusively with content in English. I took care of most steps of production except writing and voiceover. For two seasons I pitched ideas, worked independently with minimal supervision to do research, find and log footage, and more. You can find some examples below:




February 2022

“Zelensky: The Story” is a 52-minute documentary broadcasted prime-time on national television in February 2022. As one of the directors, I got to wear multiple hats and was in charge of research, footage, video logging, translation, overseeing editing, casting and recording voice-overs, and more. I also got to write one of the chapters. Produced in an exceptionally short time (less than seven days with many sleepless nights) with only a few people on the team, this very challenging project was a success, watched by more than 1.3 million viewers, breaking the yearly record for a documentary on French television, with 11% of audience share among 25- to 49-year-old viewers. Additionally, the film was translated and sold in the UK, Spain, Italy, Canada and more, and was rebroadcasted several times around the world. You can find the trailer in English below. 



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